SmartComponent Library Tutorial

The SmartComponent Library is an add-on to the OpenEdge GUI for .NET and OpenEdge UltraControls (Infragistics NetAdvantage for .NET) that increases the developers productivity while building data-centric applications. The SmartComponent library contains various prebuilt components or controls that can be used to build the graphical client of an application. The SmartComponent Library is also equipped with an OpenEdge Reference Architecture (OERA) compliant backend that uses ProDatasets to read and update data in relation to a database (OpenEdge database or Progress data-server technology).  

This tutorial will introduce a developer the basic design principles of applications using the SmartComponent Library. The tutorial uses our sample / demo application – the CustomerExplorer – to explain the steps required to build basic screens. For additional information developers should consult the SmartComponent Library class reference or other articles on the documentation wiki.  

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